Friday, January 4, 2008

Nokia's Treo-like QWERTY N-Series Coming Late 2008?

Nokia Treo QWERTY NSerie
If we had to add anything to Nokia's already feature rich N-series phones (the N95, for example) it would be a keyboard (or a touchscreen, but let's say keyboard here). Boy Genius has a spy shot of an upcoming N-series (not E-series) phone that has this full-sized QWERTY keyboard that's set for a 2nd half 2008 release. Here's what they know in terms of specs: S60 3rd Edition FP2 OS, 5 or 6-megapixel camera, 30FPS VGA (640x480) video recording and a candybar form factor. To us, the keyboard's the big difference between a phone being a phone with data capabilities and a data phone.


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Friday, January 4, 2008

Nokia's Treo-like QWERTY N-Series Coming Late 2008?

Nokia Treo QWERTY NSerie
If we had to add anything to Nokia's already feature rich N-series phones (the N95, for example) it would be a keyboard (or a touchscreen, but let's say keyboard here). Boy Genius has a spy shot of an upcoming N-series (not E-series) phone that has this full-sized QWERTY keyboard that's set for a 2nd half 2008 release. Here's what they know in terms of specs: S60 3rd Edition FP2 OS, 5 or 6-megapixel camera, 30FPS VGA (640x480) video recording and a candybar form factor. To us, the keyboard's the big difference between a phone being a phone with data capabilities and a data phone.


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