Monday, June 23, 2008

Amazon's MP3 store nearing global launch?

Amazon's MP3 store

While Amazon's quest to take its DRM-free, MP3 store global is public knowledge, the where and the when of that maneuver are closely guarded secrets. The UK's Telegraph is reporting that execs from Amazon's MP3 store were in London last week to "thrash out details of the launch with British record company bosses." Of course this says nothing about timing. On one side of the impending launch is DRM, that hot button of nastiness favored by the music industry and not offered by Amazon MP3. On the other, iTunes, and the music industry's desire to usurp Apple's digital dominance while inversely strenghthening the bargaining power of music execs' over Cupertino. In other words, we may be looking at an imminent launch of a global Amazon MP3 store... and we may not, though we're leaning towards the former.


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Monday, June 23, 2008

Amazon's MP3 store nearing global launch?

Amazon's MP3 store

While Amazon's quest to take its DRM-free, MP3 store global is public knowledge, the where and the when of that maneuver are closely guarded secrets. The UK's Telegraph is reporting that execs from Amazon's MP3 store were in London last week to "thrash out details of the launch with British record company bosses." Of course this says nothing about timing. On one side of the impending launch is DRM, that hot button of nastiness favored by the music industry and not offered by Amazon MP3. On the other, iTunes, and the music industry's desire to usurp Apple's digital dominance while inversely strenghthening the bargaining power of music execs' over Cupertino. In other words, we may be looking at an imminent launch of a global Amazon MP3 store... and we may not, though we're leaning towards the former.


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