The Air Force Research Laboratory is conducting a technology assessment of certain cell processors. The processors in the Sony PlayStation 3 are the only brand on the market that utilizes the specific cell processor characteristics needed for this program at an acceptable cost.
So in case you have 300 PS3 that just fell from a truck, here is the order:
The contractor shall provide the following items on a firm fixed price basis:Item 1: Sony PlayStation 3 Game Console - 40 GB Hard Drive
Qty: 300
Sony Part Number 98006
The estimated delivery date is 30 days after receipt of award. The place of delivery, acceptance, and FOB destination point is F4HBL1/Transportation Depot 2, 148 Electronic Parkway, Rome, NY 13441-4516.
Source: http://gizmodo.com/363985/air-force-buys-300-playstation-3-for-research
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